
Nd:YAG Laser Treatment of Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars

A keloid, sometimes referred to as a keloid scar, is a tough heaped-up scar that rises quite abruptly above the rest of the skin. It usually has a smooth top and a pink or purple color. Keloids are irregularly shaped and tend to enlarge progressively.
23 November 2016

One of the most important effects of lasers in treating scars is that they generate heat, which initiates inflammation and in turn elevates vascular permeability, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) production, and collagen fiber fascicle decomposition.

This clinical evaluation found that noncontact mode Nd:YAG laser treatment is highly effective for both keloids and HSs, regardless of patient age, the origin and multiplicity of scarring, the location of the scar(s), or the tension on the scar. However, the ability of noncontact mode Nd:YAG laser therapy to treat multiple active big scars is limited because its efficacy decreases with the thickness of the scar. Moreover, such scars would require a large number of laser irradiations, which would be too time-consuming and costly for most patients. Thus, this laser treatment modality is particularly helpful for keloids and HSs that have just appeared and/or have remained small and thin.

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