
When COVID-19 is suspected in a patient needing emergency transport

When COVID-19 is suspected in a patient needing emergency transport, prehospital care providers and healthcare facilities should be notified in advance that they may be caring for, transporting, or receiving a patient who may have COVID-19 infection.
18 March 2020
  • EMS clinicians should notify the receiving healthcare facility that the patient has an exposure history and signs and symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 so that appropriate infection control precautions may be taken prior to patient arrival.
  • Keep the patient separated from other people as much as possible.
  • Family members and other contacts of patients with possible COVID-19 should not ride in the transport vehicle, if possible. If riding in the transport vehicle, they should wear a facemask.


Lucus Auto CPR is your answer.



  • Shown to improve CPR quality, on the move and over long durations*
  • The LUCAS device extends the reach of care by maintaining chest compressions during transport to advanced lifesaving therapies, including ECMO or PCI in the cath lab. It can improve provider safety, avoiding fatigue over long durations and reducing transport risks by allowing caregivers to sit belted. And it can increase the efficiency of caregiving teams, calming the scene and providing an extra pair of hands so you can focus on the patient and underlying conditions.

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