World No Tobacco Day 2022

World No Tobacco Day is commemorated every 31 May to fight the negative effects of tobacco.
01 June 2022
World No Tobacco Day is commemorated on 31 May annually. In 1988, the World Health Assembly passed Resolution WHA 42.19 to commemorate this day and tobacco companies, the World Health Organization, and everyone are called to fight the negative effects of tobacco.

Member states of the World Health Organization started World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to bring awareness to the negative effects of smoking and tobacco usage. The World Health Assembly passed Resolution WHA 40.38 in 1987 and declared a" World No-Smoking Day" on April 7, 1988.

The tobacco industry has horribly affected our environment by putting extra stress on our planet’s already precious resources and fragile ecosystems.

Tobacco kills about 8 million people every year because of how it is grown, made, sold, used, and thrown away. It also damages the environment, which negatively affects our health.
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