idsMED Indonesia continues with its corporate social responsibility (CSR) during the COVID-19 trough. The company is not deterred from discovering and innovating in ways to help others, particularly in the healthcare industry.
Started in 2014 through its CSR arm of Indonesia Healthcare Forum (IndoHCF), idsMED has developed an independent think tank that focuses on education, innovation, and collaboration with relevant stakeholders to improve the quality of the healthcare system in Indonesia. The IndoHCF recognises their findings and inventions that culminate in the IndoHCF Innovation Awards.
For this year, the inauguration of the IndoHCF Innovation Awards IV-2020 was launched last October 1, 2020 with a press conference held jointly by Dr. Supriyantoro, Sp. P, MARS—leader of IndoHCF and KREKI with Rufi Susanto—president of idsMED Indonesia. Several journalists were invited to this special event via Zoom.
The competition with several categories such as Gerakan Masyarakat (Germas), Technology (ICT), Mother and Children Health (KIA), Medical Devices, and Integrated Emergency Management System (SPGDT) is open to the public. In the light of COVID-19, Dr. Supriyanto expected the findings to have a significant contribution towards fighting COVID-19.
About indoHCF
The Indonesia Healthcare Forum, established in 2014, is a non-profit forum that aims to bring together healthcare practitioners, academics, government, business partners and all relevant stakeholders to discuss, share, and actively contribute towards improving the access and quality of healthcare services in Indonesia.
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