idsMED Vietnam rang in the New Year by bringing together its staff from Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi branches, as well as its Trade Union members. Held at their respective branches on 18 and 21 January 2022, the events were attended by more than 200 employees.
Celebrations at the Ho Chi Minh branch were essentially filled with engaging team-building games and followed by a gala dinner. The highlight of the dinner was the much-anticipated homegrown musical performance by the talented employees who sang and danced beautifully.

Meanwhile in Hanoi,100 staff took part in team-building games themed “Level Up”, which was organised to strengthen solidarity with each other.
During the event, the management team congratulated employees who were given their Longtime Service Award and extended their new year greetings to all idsMED Vietnam staff.

“Although the New Year party took place at the office, we really enjoyed ourselves. Filled with ‘work hard, play hard’ spirit, we completed the teambuilding games,” said Tu Nguyen from Inventory Management.
Also commenting on the celebration, Hien Đong from Operations said, “We would like to thank the leadership team and our Trade Union for creating such a great atmosphere at the new year event. It was really a fun-filled event and also strengthened relationships among members.”
Despite the many challenges and difficulties in the Year of the Ox, idsMED is optimistic that the Year of the Tiger will bring renewed hope and success. With the determination, hard work and solidarity from all its staff, idsMED Vietnam looks forward to having a brilliant and successful 2022.