Integrating Simulation Training Into the Nursing Curriculum

Simulation has been gaining momentum in education for the last 40 years. The first simulators were computer based & were used by industry such as the miltary & the aircraft industry. Simulation training is very helpful in medical science & very important for medical student & for nursing curriculum.
24 November 2016

Simulation has been gaining momentum in education for the last 40 years. The first simulators were computer based and were used by industry, such as the miltary and the aircraft industry. When learning occurs in a realistic environment related to work, learning is retained and reproduced. For simulation to be successful, learners need to suspend reality and interact with the simulator as though it was a real patient. Within the Programme for Nursing Curriculum Integration (PNCI), there are 90 simulated clinical experiences to choose from which cover all age ranges and locations(e.g. community, hospital, hospice).

The Programme for Nursing Curriculum Integration has been designed to assist in the integration of human patient simulation throughout the pre-registration nursing curriculum. The PNCI along with the METI family of simulators allows faculties of health and social care to easily and effectively develop an evidence-based simulation curriculum to prepare nurses for caring in the 21st century and beyond.


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