Event News
29 November 2021
Despite the pandemic, the Indonesian Healthcare Forum (IndoHCF), held from 22nd to 25th November 2021, has successfully concluded its week-long event with the Indonesian Healthcare Innovation Awards. The online event was comprised of webinars and panel discussions, featuring distinguished doctors, nurses, medical and health professionals as panelists and speakers.
During the closing ceremony, the winners of the quiz and door prizes were announced, followed by the much-anticipated presentation of the Indonesia Healthcare Innovation Awards (IHIA 2021) to the winners. The event ended with a closing speech from Dr. dr. Supriyantoro, Sp.P., MARS.
Congratulations to all the winners of the IHIA 2021:
Germas (Gerakan Masyarakat)
Platinum: Program BIMASAKTI - Puskesmas Kec. Kebayoran Baru
Gold: Program PAK BAMEGA - Dr. H. Syamsul Adha, S.Sos, MS.
Silver: Cegah Kanker Serviks dengan Aplikasi MAPLE-S dan Mobil Deteksi Kanker HIBISCUS – Innovation Team Puskesmas Senen
Health Devices
Platinum: BIO SALIVA - Kit Diagnostik Team PT Bio Farma (Persero) and Nusantics
Gold: Ventilator Indonesia (Vent I) – Ir. Syarif Hidayat.,MT, Ph.D,
Jam’ah Halid, M.Si, Ir. Mipi Ananta Kusuma,
Prof. Dr. Ir. Tata Cipta Dirgantara, IPM,ASEAN Eng
Dr. Eng. Sandro Mihradi
Dr. Sri Raharno, S.T., M.T
Almh Dr. dr. Ike Sri Redjeki, Sp.An(K)-KIC., KMN., M.Kes,
dr. Reza Widianto Sudjud, Sp.An-KAKV, KIC, M.Kes,
dr. Dadang Rukanta Suryahadimaja, Sp.OT, FICS, M.Kes
ir. Hari Tjahjono
ir. Hari Utomo
Silver: SI-SCA : Alat Deteksi Dini dan Intervensi Resiko Henti Jantung Mendadak - Muhammad Agil Wijaya Faradis, Rizki Chandra Maulana, Anita Dominique Subali,
Muhammad Farras Sakti Pratama, Thareq Barasabha, Nurussa’adah,
Muhammad Romadhani Prabowo
Health Services
Platinum: Rumah Sakit Terapung KSATRIA AIRLANGGA sebagai Solusi Masalah Kesehatan di Daerah Terisolir - dr. Agus Harianto, SpB (Malang)
Gold: Pelaksanaan Sistem Pemantauan Kesehatan Bayi Baru Lahir Berbasis Keluarga (Si Peka Bu Siska) di Kabupaten Lombok Barat - Mohammad Abdullah, SKM, MQIH
Silver: Layanan Kesehatan PELANGI - dr. Angieta Sari Ramadhan
Information Technology
Platinum: Makin STRONG Lawan Covid-19 dengan VICTORI - Hanif Pandu Suhito and
dr. M. Abdul Hakam, Sp.PD (Semarang)
Gold: Pemetaan 1K Genom SARS-CoV-2 - Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology
Silver: Jantungku : Aplikasi Kesehatan Jantung Terintegrasi Bagi Masyarakat Indonesia - Dr. Dody Qori Utama S.T., M.T., dr. HM. Agus Thosin Sp.JP, Feby M. Faisal S.H. and
Dr.Eng. Alfian Akbar Gozali
Platinum: Meningkatkan Kesiapsiagaan Kegawatdaruratan dengan JAKFIR (Jakarta Ambulans & First Responder) Provinsi DKI Jakarta - Emergency Ambulance Service Unit of DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office
Gold: Aplikasi SPGDT dalam Penanganan Kegawatdaruratan Pandemi COVID-19 di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta - PSC 119 DIY
Silver: PSC 119 SREGEP HANDAL - PSC 119 SREGEP, Cirebon