22nd January 2020 – Wednesday marks the first TGIF (Take, Give & Interactive Friday) gathering for idsMED Malaysia HQ. Although it was held on a Wednesday, this is in lieu of the holidays and celebrations for the Chinese Lunar New Year; where Friday was the eve of the festive season.
During the TGIF assembly, Senior Vice President & Managing Director – Malaysia, Dato’ Dr. Adzuan Rahman gave his opening remarks and commenced the session, where further discussions were held to elaborate on the direction which idsMED Malaysia will be moving forward to for this year. With further information and updates to be shared, Mr. Gunabalam Kanthan, Senior Manager of RFM, discussed Project Eagle; it is a systematic framework which will be implemented on managing and improving the internal efficiencies and cost control, and the coordination of resources, information, and functions of idsMED Group. Mr. Gunabalam also added on who were the top players & winners for the team during 2019 and how their success will cascade over for this year. Furthermore, Mr. Shahril Noor, Senior Manager of Field Sales, also shared on new updates in regard to the sales and revenue which we are making in Malaysia and it projected positive news in the many months to come for this fortuitous year. In light of this good news, it will definitely inspire us all on working together on our collective goals for 2020.
During the TGIF session, we got a chance to introduce the new joiners to the idsMED family on December 2019 to January 2020, ranging from fellow executives, managers to top management individuals of the idsMED Malaysia; Dr. Harshanth Letchmikanthan Rasu, Director of Medical Solutions and Mr. Ainul Hasnizam bin Abu Hassan, Vice President of Medical Solutions.
Withal the updates and good news, 2020 is indeed a step forward and a fortuitous year for idsMED Malaysia. The TGIF initiative is a monthly meeting with our fellow idsMED Malaysia to reconnect and to update each other on where we are going in the months to come and also to motivate each other on achieving our goals together.