The Lakbay program was conceptualised by our Managing Directors – Mr. Rafy Fernando and Mr. Gerry Arnedo. A committee headed by Mr. Juancho Caalim and co-chaired by Mr. Arthur Capua was formed with Ms. Mary Ann Benga as the event coordinator. The program was launched on the 9th and 10th of June.

The successful launch was made possible by the joint effort of the Business Unit Heads and their respective teams. In spite of government restrictions, they were able to do ocular inspections and invited our clients from the targeted cities.
Our Lakbay Caravan’s first stop was in Pampanga Province at The Medical City Clark, the host centre. The Airforce General Hospital joined the event as well.

On the 1st day, participants waited patiently outside the Lakbay Caravan while our team inside passionately showcased our idsMED products in the presence of a representative from GE Philippines.
An unforeseen obstacle did not prevent the team from continuing to the next city of Olongapo, where Icove Beach Resort became a haven for a significant number of guests and participants.

Throughout this event, we showcased our entire product portfolio and highlighted new products. But most of all, the team achieved its goal by reaching out to established but loyal clients as well as meeting new partners.
The second leg of the Lakbay Product Roadshow will be from the 10th to the 14th of August. The Caravan will stop in Tarlac City before it goes to Baguio City.
If you wonder what "Lakbay” means - it is a Filipino term synonymous with trip, tour, voyage, but the most appropriate meaning is… JOURNEY.
We wish our Philippines team well as they continue to journey to different cities and towards more effective teamwork!