100 Days of Celebrations (1st July – 8th October 2021)
Following the Celebratory Kick-Off event, the idsMED Group entered a full 100 days of celebrations with various regional and country activities.
10 Bounce Parties over 10 WeeksOne of the key highlights was the 10 Bounce Parties which were held for over 10 weeks, involving close to 700 idsMED colleagues from 9 different markets. Every session brought together 70 participants representing the 9 markets to build rapport over a meal. The participants got to know each other across the region and learned something useful while enjoying a good meal amid plenty of laughter.

Annual Managers Conference 2021The Annual Managers Conference (“AMC”) for the year was also held to coincide within the 100 days celebration. Spread over two days from 9th to 10th September 2021, this year was the first time that an idsMED AMC was held online, since the Covid-19 pandemic is still prevalent in most countries. The online setting allowed a record attendance of all 350 idsMED managers and leaders from all countries.
With the theme of this year’s AMC re-emphasising this year’s Battle Cry, “Bounce Back 2022! 83! 83!”, the AMC focused on key business updates from the Senior Leaders of the idsMED Group, not forgetting some ‘bounce back’ inspirations shared by almost all the presenters.
Similar to past AMC events, the signature Educational Track continued to be the key component of the AMC, with different countries sharing their best practices over 16 topics across 4 tracks: A. Customer WOWS & Delight; 2. Best Practices During the Pandemic; C. Operations & RFM Excellence; and D. New Revenue Streams Learnings & Lightbulb Moments.

Annual Awards & Appreciation 2021
The Annual Awards & Appreciation (AAA) 2021 ceremonies were also held during the 100 days celebratory period and the events were held separately in their respective countries. This year’s AAA event included both the Long Service Awards for the past two years (2020 and 2021) and the HEART Award.
With over 300 recipients of the Long Service Awards or the Loyalty Awards, this year’s AAA marks the largest number of recipients for an AAA event with two individuals receiving their 45 years of service award, a truly remarkable recognition.

The country’s HEART awards were also presented during this year’s AAA events. The HEART Award recognises individuals who have consistently demonstrated exceptional behaviour in delivering the idsMED Brand Promise. In total, there are 28 HEART award winners from 8 countries – a true testament of our brand promise, We Care with a HEART, Because your life matters.
Employee Competition over 100 DaysIn keeping with the spirit of celebration, idsMED also held its own employee competitions where everyone in the organisation could join and receive fantastic prizes. In total, three employee competitions were held.
The first competition was an idsMED 10th Anniversary Tik Tok Challenge. The aim of this competition was to create excitement and engagement through a public competition which was simple enough so that anyone can participate. This contest offered an innovative way to draw out creativity from the ground via the hippest content-based social media channel: TikTok.

The second employee competition was the idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Story competition. The objective of this competition was to share stories of effort and accomplishments that we have achieved these past 10 years, which resulted in a lifetime impact on our customers, partners, and people.

The third employee competition was the idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Video competition. Similar to the 1mpactful Story competition, the goal of this competition was to bring forth stories of effort and accomplishments that we have achieved these past 10 years which created a lifetime impact on our customers, partners, and people. The difference was that this required a video submission instead.

These employee competitions were fully sponsored by Ben Chang and the idsMED Senior Management Team and the winners were announced at the 8th October Encore Gala Event. Details of the results are in the Encore Gala Event section.
Video highlights of the 100 Days of Celebrations events can be viewed here:
idsMED Encore Gala Event – 8th October 2021
To mark the end of 100 days of celebrations commemorating idsMED’s 10th Anniversary, an Encore Gala Event was held on Friday, 8th October 2021.
As many countries in the region are still under strict Covid-19 protocols, the Encore Gala Event was held online. Some of the countries prepared small gatherings for those who were able to come to the office that day.
The Encore Gala Event was attended not only by the idsMED Group family, but also the Innonix family, the Board Members of the idsMED Group, as well as senior management of the Fung Group families. The event started at 16.00 HK time and lasted till 20.30 HK time, with a 20-minute interval.

After a short housekeeping announcement by the host, Muhammad Ata, VP – Operations, Marcom & CX, the event started with a recap of the past 100 days of celebrations leading to the Encore Gala event via video highlights which can be viewed in this link.
https://youtu.be/BTtfGUHy7XcParty Packs

The host then announced to everyone about the party packs that were prepared and distributed to all the participants across the 9 markets. Each party pack came in a reusable and foldable bag, that is not just environmentally friendly but also space-saving. There were three designs specially crafted for the 10th Anniversary event. Distributed randomly to participants, the bags come in blue with its unique idsMED patch design; grey with the idsMED country skylines making up the design; and white with idsMED 7 values embedded across its design.

Inside each bag was a customised tumbler personalised with names. The tumbler is the official memorabilia of the idsMED 10th Anniversary. During the unwrapping of the party pack, the host further explained that the tumbler does not only keep the beverage hot/cold, but serves as a personalised souvenir of idsMED H1story.
The tumbler also comes with fun features such as a temperature reading sensor on the cover, which indicates the temperature of the liquid inside the tumbler. And an easter egg in the design, the tumbler comes embedded with a mathematical formula that represents the idsMED signature curve which is discernible in all idsMED designs.

The party pack contained another special item specially made for the 10th Anniversary Celebration: A uniquely designed Chocolate Bar. From West Papua, Indonesia, it has 72% cocoa content and the chocolate has an earthy, creamy, and nutty taste.

Meant to be enjoyed during the event, the party packs came with some local snacks especially curated by each country’s HR team. The snacks could be shared with family, loved ones, or those around them.
To complete the party pack, each of it came with candles and a small cake, cupcake, or cookies for each participant to perform a cake-blowing ceremony. What is a birthday without cake and candles right?
Greetings to All the CountriesConsequently, the host took the audience on a virtual tour to greet all the country’s offices. Throughout the virtual tour, we were able to see how each country’s office was decorated for the occasion, making the celebration even more memorable knowing that it was being celebrated across all the regions simultaneously. Despite the challenges faced by some of the countries due to the pandemic, it did not dampen the festive atmosphere that was felt throughout the event.

Opening Remarks
With all the countries present and ready to party, the event officially kick-started with a few words from the idsMED Group CEO and Founding Partner, Ben Chang, followed by the Group Chairman of Fung Group, Dr. Victor Fung.
Ben Chang spoke live from the HK office, in the same room as our idsMED HK colleagues and other attending special guests. Dr. Victor Fung addressed everyone from his office at Alexandra House, live via Zoom.

Ben Chang’s Opening Remarks
In his opening remarks, Ben recalled how idsMED started its journey 10 years ago with a compelling vision to fulfill the supply chain need of the medical industry by aggregating medical distributors in the region via a unifying infrastructure and platform. Today, idsMED is in a laudable position in being Asia’s leading Medical Supply Chain Solutions Company focused in improving the quality of life. All of these would not have been possible without the work and sacrifices of all the people involved in this journey.
Ben even sees the idsMED journey as a collection of individual and personal successes that each person within the idsMED group had gone through, emphasising once again the centrality of idsMED: Its people and culture.
He proceeded to mention two significant events which also took place that day:
• The drawdown of $60 million term loan from UOB to fuel idsMED’s growth for the future
• Official move into the new Singapore / Regional Headquarter earlier that day
He ended his opening remarks by acknowledging the Fung Group, and how it is a privilege for idsMED to stand and be part of the heritage of the Fung Group’s 115 years of history.
Dr Victor Fung’s Opening Remarks
Speaking from Alexandra House, HK, Dr Victor Fung shared his happiness for being part of the idsMED group and complemented the organisation on the online celebratory event. Dr Victor Fung went on to say how proud and energised he was to be part of the idsMED journey, giving recognition to the various new development initiatives that idsMED have embarked upon. He acknowledged the fact that idsMED is building not just a business, but a business that can really increase the betterment of mankind and provide a positive impact on society.
Dr Victor Fung then recalled how back in 1999, when the Fung Group had the opportunity to take over the Asian operations of the Inchcape Group, and within it, the two gems: The distributorship of medical equipment in Singapore and Malaysia.
He ended his opening remarks with his confidence that under the leadership of Ben and the idsMED management, the first 10 years is just the beginning, and best of idsMED is yet to come.
You may rewatch their opening remarks here:
Cake Celebration
Keeping our attention towards HK, the event then moved to the cake celebration ceremony which was led live in HK by our Group CEO and Founding Partner, Ben Chang, together with the rest of the HK guests and colleagues. All the countries followed accordingly and lit up their candles together for all to see. The session closed off with a popping of the champagne by Ben and a toast to all.

The small cake, cupcakes or cookies, and candles came from their party pack. Despite being a virtual event, this activity gave all the participants a chance to experience the cake celebrations wherever they may be. During this session, many participants took selfies and photos of themselves and shared them via social media using the idsMED official tag. Here are some of the posts:

Ben’s Secret Appreciation
The next session was never disclosed in the official rundown of this event as it was top-secret and was prepared behind closed door. This session aimed to give recognition to the most important of the P10neers of the idsMED journey. This individual, who set the vision of what idsMED could be back in 2011 and through his leadership and tenacity, has brought idsMED to where it is today. We expressed our utmost appreciation and recognition to our hardworking CEO and Group Founding Partner, Ben Chang.
For thissegment, Rufi Susanto, Regional Managing Director & President, started the session by sharing a tribute video for Ben created by all the senior management of idsMED. The video featured their individual tributes as well as on behalf of their respective teams. A 2-minute trailer of the video was played during the event as the original video was more than 20 minutes long.
Click on the video below to watch the two-minute trailer followed by the full tribute to Ben from the idsMED Senior Management team.
The tribute did not end there. Not satisfied with just video messages, Rufi then signaled to Stewart Kwok who was present with Ben in HK to present Ben with a beautiful apple-shaped glass vase that contained hand-written messages from idsMED’s senior management. The messages contained their dreams which they had symbolically passed on to Ben. Now their dreams are in his hand – so the idea goes.

Ben’s appreciation session ended with an upbeat song by The Script “We Rock the World” which was chosen as a tribute to Ben and everyone who rocks the world together in idsMED.
Tribute to the 3 P10neer LadiesStill on the theme of appreciating our key P10neers, the next session featured a special appreciation to the three ladies who were instrumental in leading the idsMED business when idsMED started its journey back in 2011 - Sally Ng from Singapore, Kooi Lang Wan and Erica Tan, both from Malaysia.

Their video tribute was a follow up to the three separate individual articles that Sally, Ms Wan, and Erica wrote in the last three months of idsMED Buzz. In their articles, each of them shared their experiences, journey, and learnings which can be an inspiration to all of us. Please refer to the Management Buzz for July, August, and September to read their articles.
Their video tribute can be seen here:
Country PerformancesWith the appreciation and tributes done, it was time to proceed to probably the most awaited session in any of the idsMED regional events: The Country Performances. It has always been part of idsMED tradition that whenever idsMED conducts cross-border events that involve multiple countries, idsMED will incorporate each country’s performance to showcase everyone’s unique talents, culture, creativity, and teamwork on stage.
Due to the pandemic and to ensure everyone’s safety, all the countries were asked to submit their recorded performances instead of performing live. As the performances were being played, each country’s event room was broadcasted live together with their performance video for their team to enjoy.
The country performance competition for this year was judged by members of the Group Leadership Council (GLC), Rufi Susanto – RMD and President, Leonard Ling – RMD and EVP, Dr. Adzuan Rahman – RMD and EVP, Stewart Kwok – EVP Business Affairs, Chuah Keng Yeong – EVP Finance, and Gerald Tan – RMD and EVP. The winner was to be given that elusive “Bragging Rights for 10 years”.
All country performances were truly WOWsome and served as one of the most memorable moments for this year’s event. Thank you for all your hard work in making the performances possible.

To watch each of the country performances, please click on the links below:
China Country Performance
Hong Kong Country Performance
Indonesia Country Performance
Malaysia Country Performance
Philippines Country Performance
Singapore Country Performance
Taiwan Country Performance
Thailand Country Performance
Vietnam Country Performance
Employee Competition Winners
After the country performances, the winners of the three employee competitions were announced, with all prizes courtesy of Ben Chang and the idsMED Senior Management Team. The three employee competitions held in the past 100 days are:
1. idsMED 10th Anniversary TikTok Challenge
2. idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Story Challenge
3. idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Video Challenge
For the idsMED 10th Anniversary TikTok Challenge, a total of 59 videos were received from 7 countries. In this section, the host awarded the top prize, an iPhone XR, to each of the top three winners. The next top three winners received Redmi Note 10 smartphones. On top of that, the host also announced 10 merit awards, each winning a US$ 50 voucher. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to the 59 participants who took part in this challenge.
To watch the list and their videos of the idsMED 10th Anniversary TikTok Challenge, please click on the video link below:
For the idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Story Challenge, a total of 25 stories were received from 5 countries. In this section, the host awarded each of the top three winners a Kindle Oasis. On top of that, the host also announced 10 merit awards, each winning a US$ 50 voucher. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to the 25 writers who took part in this challenge.
To watch the list of winners of the idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Story Challenge, please click on the video below:
In the idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Video Challenge, a total of 12 videos were received from 3 countries. In this section, the host awarded a Fujifilm XF10 mirrorless camera to each of the top three winners. On top of that, the host also announced 3 merit awards, each winning a US$ 50 voucher. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to the 12 individuals who put in a lot of effort to tell their stories in a video format. You guys rock!
To watch the list of winners and their videos of the idsMED 10th Anniversary 1mpactful Video Challenge, please click on the video link below:
idsMED H1storical Quiz #2Due to the overwhelming positive feedback from the first idsMED H1storical Quiz during the Kick-Off Celebratory Event on 1st July 2021, the organiser decided to host another quiz.
The quiz followed a similar format from the previous quiz but with some twists and changes.
The twist was having the host wear a dinosaur costume, to get more into the character and theme of the quiz. Little did the host know that the dinosaur hat which he was wearing matched the color of the greenscreen background, hence making his dinosaur hat invisible. The host joked about it and soon the quiz quickly got underway.

The biggest change for Quiz #2 was the manner the participants would be competing. Instead of competing as one group, each country was to compete within its own country. This change was made to ensure a more level playing field between countries, especially for countries with English as a second language.
The other changes that were implemented were the fewer number of questions and the time allotted for answering the questions. For idsMED H1storical Quiz #2, there were only 30 questions, compared to 40 questions before. The time was also adjusted to 45 seconds compared to 15 seconds in Quiz#1. This adjustment was made to allow more time for the participant to process the question and answer accordingly, especially for those from non-English speaking countries. and for countries with a bigger number of participants.
In total, there were 70 prizes up for grabs, each prize was worth US$50 vouchers, and all were sponsored by the Group Chairman of Fung Group, Dr. Victor Fung.
The questions revolve around three broad topics: 1. idsMED; 2. Olympic Games; 3. idsMED Countries’ General Knowledge
The activity went on slightly longer than expected, with 8 parallel quizzes happening simultaneously. Even so, the quiz activity was well received as it kept the audience engaged.

Long Service Award Recap
After a short introduction from Danny Pradhana, VP of Human Resources, a video was played to recap the awarding ceremonies of idsMED Group’s Long Service Award for 2020 and 2021. The video was a consolidation of all the awardees who received their awards during their respective country’s Annual Awards and Appreciation events.
With almost 300 recipients in total, this is by far the largest number of recipients in any of idsMED’s Annual Awards and Appreciation events.
For those who are interested to watch the video recap of the idsMED Long Service Award for 2020 and 2021, you may click on the links below:
Long Service Award Recipients 2020 & 2021 (5 to 15 years)
Long Service Award Recipients 2020 & 2021 (20 to 45 years)
CEO Award
At the end of the Long Service Award recap, idsMED Group CEO & Founding Partner, Ben Chang spoke once more to all the participants live from HK.

In his closing remarks, Ben reiterated that the AAA events are probably the most important event in all of the idsMED event calendars because it is where we take the time to pay tribute to our people. For the first time, this year is even more special since we were able to get all the employees involved for this important event. He ended his speech with a special recognition to the two 45-year award recipients, both from Singapore: Lok Lu Lu and Teo Chin Koon. A special mention was also given to all the recipients of the HEART award.
Ben then went on to introduce the next part of the program, the CEO Award. The CEO Award is an award that is given to individuals who have made significant contributions in accordance with the Group Strategic Plan.
For this year’s CEO Award, Ben announced two winners: Stewart Kwok from HK and Zuraida Dzuhro (Aya) from Indonesia.
Ben himself presented the CEO Award plaque to Stewart in person in HK. And acting on Ben’s behalf, Rufi & Ramli presented the CEO Award to Aya in person in Indonesia.

After receiving their CEO Awards, both Stewart and Aya shared their respective videos displaying their great appreciation for the recognition and how they will use this prize award to fuel their motivation to fulfill their dreams.
Both Stewart’s and Aya’s CEO Award acceptance speeches can be viewed below:
Stewart Kwok – CEO Award 2021 Acceptance Speech
Zuraida Dzuhro (Aya) – CEO Award 2021 Acceptance Speech
Following the CEO Award, Ben bade farewell and graciously thanked all the participants and organisers, not for just being part of this event from the beginning, but also for being part of the idsMED journey.
Country Performance Winner Announcement
Finally, before the closing of the event, Rufi announced the winners of the country performance.
After much deliberation by the members of the GLC, Rufi announced the winners of this year’s country performance, including the elusive prize of “Bragging Rights for 10 years”.
Prizes for the three categories went to:
• Hong Kong for the most Collaborative Performance
• Vietnam for the most Creative Performance, and
• Indonesia for the most Entertaining Performance
For their impressive country performance, Vietnam was hailed as the overall winner.

Congratulations once again to all the winners and thank you to all the countries. Your performances were truly WOWsome!
Closure of the EventIn closing, Rufi gave a short but meaningful speech where he reminded everyone to listen more. He reiterates that the unifying strength of idsMED as a group, with every country at different stages of their business, is taking care of one another. And in an event such as this, idsMED prepares everything, with all its people in mind.

To end his speech, he shared a short video of his Indonesian team singing “That’s What Friends Are For”, as a key message that no matter what happens in this journey, we are here through the ups and downs, and through thick and thin, because after all, that’s what friends are for.
You can enjoy this beautiful rendition of the song “That’s What Friends Are For” by the idsMED Indonesian team by clicking the video link below:
On behalf of the organising committee, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants in this event. We hope everyone enjoyed the celebrations, learned a thing or two, and had a lot of fun. The event would not have been possible without all of you for you all are the reason we do what we do. Our deepest appreciation goes to everyone involved in organising this event, particularly the HR, Marcom, and IT departments from each country who had given us their full support and cooperation in making the 100-day celebration a resounding success. You all are the real heroes!

Relive the Event
For those who missed the 8th October Encore Gala Event, or if you wish to relive this festive moment, you can watch it on youtube by clicking the video link below.