Commemoration of World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day 2017 is about the “We Can I Can”. It is a chance to reflect on what we can do, make a pledge & act. As a collective or as individuals, we can do our part to reduce the global burden of cancer. Whatever we choose to do ‘We can. I can.’ Make a difference to the fight against cancer.
03 February 2017

Cancer affects people all around the world. Currently, 8.2 million people die from cancer worldwide every year, out of which, 4 million people die prematurely at the ages of 30 to 69 years.

The commemoration of World Cancer Day gives us the opportunity to raise awareness and education regarding cancer to the people around the world and help save millions of preventable deaths.

World Cancer Day 2017 is all about the “We Can I Can”. It is a chance to reflect on what we can do, make  a pledge, and take action. As a collective or as individuals, we can do our part to reduce the global burden of cancer. Whatever we choose to do ‘We can. I can.’ Make a difference to the fight against cancer.

Let’s take a moment to support this day to reduce the global burden!

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