Hanoi, August 13 - "Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony" between idsMED Vietnam and Department of Electronic Technology and Biomedical Engineering, School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (BME-HUST) was officially held at idsMED headquarter in Hanoi. The ceremony welcomed the presence of Mr. Lim Gooi Hwa - Managing Director of idsMED Vietnam; Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha - Managing Director of idsMED, North Vietnam; Phd. Nguyen Viet Dung, Head of Department of Electronic Technology and Biomedical Engineering and all idsMED Vietnam’s managers, lecturers and students of BME-HUST.

Addresing the ceremony, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha - Managin Director of idsMED Vietnam said: “At idsMED Vietnam, we always focus on developing human resources. Therefore, the MOU with Department of Electronic Technology and Biomedical Engineering is an important task proposed by the company in the action plan for 2019, aiming to build the high-quality workforce in the future".

“With a professional international working environment, idsMED Vietnam has long been a great destination for students of Department of Electronic Technology and Biomedical Engineering. The MOU will open up opportunities for students to improve their own capability, meeting the increasingly rigorous requirements of the market ”, Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung, Head of BME-HUST excitedly shared.

According to the MOU, BME-HUST will directly dispatch students to idsMED Vietnam for practical and/or internship purposes, support the company in career orientation sessions for students, enable idsMED VN to attend participate in thesis defend sessions. At the same time, BME-HUST is also responsible for coordinating with idsMED Vietnam to conduct short training courses for technical staff at hospitals or medical institutions, cooperating in research projects in accordance with idsMED Vietnam’s strategic directions.

At the same time, idsMED Vietnam will create favorable conditions for BME-HUST students to practice at the company, support the Department in inviting experts to exchange with students. Besides, idsMED Vietnam also assists the Department and lecturers to attend seminars or workships to reinforce & update state-of-art advancements in the medical field and conduct specialized researches.

The MOU is the basis for developing intensive cooperation programs on education & training between the two sides, bringing best benefits for students, departments and idsMED Vietnam.