Opening Ceremony of Indonesia Healthcare Inno...
23 November 2020
Opening Ceremony of Indonesia Healthcare Innovation Awards 2020 (IHIA 2020)
Our objective is to carry out digital meetings and exhibitions through webinars, talk shows, symposiums, workshops, and ...
Event News
Press Conference Indonesia Healthcare Innovat...
14 October 2020
Press Conference Indonesia Healthcare Innovation Awards IV - 2020
For this year, the inauguration of the IndoHCF Innovation Awards IV-2020 was launched last October 1, 2020.
Event News
Welcoming the New Normal a la the Clinical Ap...
12 June 2020
Welcoming the New Normal a la the Clinical Application Specialists idsMED Indonesia
Ready or not, the New Normal is coming! And, we obviously choose to be ready! How are we going to continue life as we kn...
Event News
Keep Going Strong Amid the Pandemic
09 June 2020
Keep Going Strong Amid the Pandemic
Even though we are in a difficult situation, there are still many positive things going around us. For example, the stor...
Event News
This too Shall Pass
28 May 2020
This too Shall Pass
We believe the pandemic will be over soon. Alongside the people, the government is still fighting COVID-19 throughout In...
Event News
idsMED Indonesia Gives Help to Provide PPE fo...
18 May 2020
idsMED Indonesia Gives Help to Provide PPE for Medical Personnel
Over the past two months, some regions in Indonesia have been under large-scale social restriction or Pembatasan Sosial ...
Event News