There are many unexpected things in life. One of them is watching someone in front of you laying down on the floor because of a heart attack. In that situation, most of us would probably panic because we do not know how to provide first aid. Understanding how to perform first aid may save someone’s life! To educate professional medics and doctors about the emergency situation, Indonesia Healthcare Forum (IndoHCF) associated with Komunitas Relawan Emergensi Kesehatan Indonesia (KREKI) and Ikatan Konsultan Kesehatan Indonesia (IKKESINDO) held a discussion about “Strengthening General Emergency Life Support and Disaster in Health Management” on February 4th, 2020 in Dharmais Hospital Jakarta.
Attended by almost 70 people, Pak Muhammad Ata represented idsMED Indonesia at the event. Pak Ata shared the audience about what idsMED is and how idsMED can spread the brand promise “We Care with A Heart because Your Life Matters” within the Healthcare Industry.
The event was also attended by doctors and the Chief of KREKI Dr. dr. Supriyantoro, Sp.P, MARS, and presidential staff Brigjen. TNI (Pur.) dr. Alexander K Ginting S, Sp.P.FCCP (Special Staff of the Minister for Development and Health Financing). There were several speakers, Chief of PPSDM KEMENKES RI Prof. dr. H.Abdul Qadir, Ph.D., Sp.THT-KL(K), MARS, Prof. DR. Dr. Eddy Raharjo, Sp AN. KIC.KAO, Dr. Moh. Adib Khumaidi, SP.OT, Prof. DR.Dr. Idrus A Paturisi, Sp.B, Sp.OT(K). Also, several people from KEMENKES RI, the Head of Health Crisis Management Facilitation Division Dr. Rita Djupuri, DCN, M.Epid with the theme Disaster Management in the Health Sector.
On this occasion, doctors, experts, and government discussed the right way to save each other in an emergency situation. Generally, Basic Life Support is needed when we are choked, have a heart attack, drowned, etc. Nevertheless, people often make a mistake in handling the situation. Hopefully, the forum can enrich people’s knowledge about Basic Life Support and implement it when it matters the most. We care with a heart because your life matters!