
The 1st World Congress of Anesthesia for Obstetrics

It currently collaborates with Indonesian Society of Obstetric Anesthesia, Indonesian Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management and Indonesian Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologist. The aim of this conference is to address the growing interest in various fields of anesthesiology.
Event News
07 March 2017

Every year, Indoanesthesia a group of leading experts in the field of anesthesia as part of commitment in keeping the enthusiasm of our growing number of participants alive. In 2017, the 1st World Congress on Anesthesia for Obstetrics (WCAO) was held in conjunction with the 14th International Annual Meeting of Indonesia Society of Obstetric Anesthesia, 14th Indonesian Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine and the 6th International Annual Meeting of Indonesian Society Critical Care Anesthesiologists. The event took place in The Stones Hotel, Bali, on 22nd-25th February 2017.

idsMED Indonesia supported IndoAnesthesia in several workshops and symposiums which included: Advanced Vascular Access(AVA) Workshop, PDT Workshop, High Risk Obstetrics Workshop, Difficult Airways for Adults, Basic Nurse Airway, Teacher’s Workshop, and Booth in Symposium.

Advanced Vascular Access is a workshop that provides knowledge and skill on vascular access. The workshop started with the lecture at the beginning the theory of kinds of vascular access, such as CVC (Central Venous Catheter), PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter), and also Interosseous (EZIO). The session followed by skill station called Installation of Venous Access supported by ultrasound guiding technique. The director of this course was dr. Ronggo Prakoso, SpAn KaKV dr. Adhrie Sugiarto, SpAn KIC, dr. Aldy Heriwardito, SpAn KaKV, and dr. Irvan Setiawan, SpAn M.Kes.

The Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy (PDT) Workshop was routinely implemented as standard tracheostomy for critical condition patients in Intensive Care Unit. The training implemented several techniques to facilitate PDT guide; such as using a bronchoscope, an ultrasound or other modification techniques to identify the trachea well. PDT is done by means of needle insertion into the trachea, followed by inserting a catheter guide, then dilatation gradually and repeatedly to make access to the entry of the tracheal cannula. Generally, PDT and Surgical Tracheostomy (TS) are expected to provide benefits to reduce complications from wounds; such as bleeding, infection, tissue damage; cosmetically better; enabling the bed side in intensive care; also reduced the time to do a tracheostomy.

This workshop was conducted to give an insight for anesthesiologists on PDT technique from the time of preparation, during the action, until the post management actions. The course was directed by Dr. D Bima Purwaamidjaja SpAn KIC MKes, and was instructed by Dr. Asep Hendradiana,  SpAn KIC MKES, dr Zulkifli, SpAn, KIC, MKES, DR. dr. Tini Trihartini Maskoen, SpAn, KIC, MKES, Dr. Sudaryadi Hadisiswoyo SpAn,  Dr Novita SpAn KIC, dr Dhany Budipratama, SpAn KIC, Dr. Bastian Lubis SpAn.

High Risk Obstretic and Difficult Airway For Adult Workshops were directed by Dr Anas Alatas SpAn, while Basic Nurse Airway and Teacher Workshop instructed by Dr Andi Ade SpAn.

idsMED together with Teleflex-arrow, participated in the symposium session on 24th February by inviting Jim Lacy, BSN, RN, Crni, VA-BC as the prominent speaker to discuss the Vascular Access Update. During this session, Jim Lacy also shared the latest study on infection control on Vein Access which has already been implemented in several countries around the world.

©idsMED 2017

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