The scientific seminar was held in the framework of the National Movement to Accelerate Improvement of Nutrition with the aim to accelerate the improvement of public nutrition a priority in the first 1,000 days of life.
Established through Presidential Decree No.42 of 2013, concerning the National Movement on the Acceleration of Nutrition Improvement focusing on the first 1,000 days of life. This movement is a concerted effort, which involves:
1. The government and the local government ( Department of Health)
2. NGOs
3. Professional organizations
4. Academics
5. The Media
6. The business world
7. The community
8. The international development partners
On the first 1,000 days of life movement emphasized the importance of partnerships with various parties or stakeholders to address the nutritional issues. Nutrition improvement program is not the only responsibility that government has to carry out, instead it should involve various stakeholders as well, such as civil society, market place, and other strategic partners.
It presented a unique opportunity to the government to work together with other stakeholder groups to accelerate the improvement of nutrition outcomes in Indonesia.