
A Glimpse of idsMED Indonesia’s Annual Country Meeting 2022

On 12-14 April 2022, idsMED Indonesia held its Annual Country Meeting at the Mercure Hotel, BSD City, led by idsMED Indonesia’s Managing Director and SVP Ramli Laukaban. The 3-day ACM was packed with work and fun activities for everyone to participate.
Event News
25 April 2022
idsMED Indonesia held its Annual Country Meeting (ACM) from 12-14 April 2022 at the Mercure Hotel, Bumi Serpong Damai. Staff from Grade 5 and above attended this ACM.

The event which was themed “Trans4miss1on: Ada, Rasa, Jaga, aimed to build the leadership skills of the participants, as well as for them to learn and understand the vision and mission of the organisation. Above all, they get to know each other better and have fun.

The event started with the opening remarks from Ramli Laukaban – idsMED Indonesia’s Managing Director and SVP. He shared his views and tips on good leadership and also encouraged the leaders to take every opportunity to learn and understand more about the organisation.

Ramli’s speech was followed by business updates from idsMED Frontliners – Fields Sales Specialist (FSS) Team, Revenue and Funnel Management (RFM), InnoQ, Aesthetics, Product Management Team, and BioMedical Engineering (BME) Team. Each team’s leader shared several updates and goals that have been achieved, and the new goals to achieve in FY2023.

In the evening, it was a time to relax and the participants went for an evening walk in the Breeze area. After breaking fast, every team took the opportunity to dine together in the restaurants around the Bumi Serpong Damai area.

The second day of the ACM began with the opening remarks from Rufi Susanto, idsMED Group President. This was followed with the Middle and Back Office forum for participants to raise and talk about current issues. There were some participants from the Operations Team, DIT Team, Marcom Team, Human Resource and General Affairs (HRGA) Team, Revenue and Funnel Management (RFM) and Finance Team.

After the “serious” talk, the day continued with more fun and engaging activities like bowling and billiard. Every participant had a chance to play both games and compete with the other teams.

Next, the participants prepared for the grand dining and performance in the Bebek Bengil Restaurant.

Dinner time included a special performance program where the Committee and participants put on their best superheroes’ costumes. They were divided into several groups, namely: Medan team, Semarang team, Bandung team, Surabaya team, and Jakarta team, and each team showcased their special performance. After all the teams have shared their performances, the committee announced the winners from the activities that had been carried out within the day, namely bowling, billiard, group performances, and the best costume.

The final day of ACM had more encouraging topics and sessions, kickstarting with the Gundam robot assembly. Every participant received a box of Gundam to assemble a robot.

Later in the day, there were several educational talk sessions including a talk by dr. Supriyantoro from IndoHCF. Guest speakers Prof. Rhenald Kasali from Rumah Perubahan, Indira Asteriana, and Juliana Laura Tompodung who are certified executive coaches (CREC) of Saka Energy Indonesia and Neptune Energy, respectively brought different yet inspiring ideas about “How to Change to Become a Better Person”.

The event concluded with the closing speech by Ramli Laukaban, Managing Director and SVP of idsMED Indonesia.

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