Even though we are in a difficult situation, there are still many positive things going around us. For example, the story of the Apps Team idsMED Jakarta in delivering education and training on the Hamilton G5, Hamilton T1, and Hamilton C2 to nurses and doctors at ICU Sitanala General Hospital, Tangerang, on 21 April 2020.
On top of delivering standard product knowledge materials, the Apps Team consisting of Elni Zebua and I.M. Harjanti Nuswantari had an idea to entertain the nurses and staff by creating content together on TikTok. After being persuaded, the nurses and staff ventured to dance in front of the camera. The idea was to help the nurses and staff minimize the stress levels in this situation.
The next day, Elni Zebua gave Hamilton-T1 ventilator training at Siloam Hospital Kelapa Dua, Tangerang. Similar to the previous activity, Elni also invited the nursing staff to use TikTok in between activities. This time, Elni was accompanied by Scholastica from the FSS team.
Highest appreciation for Elni Zebua and I.M. Harjanti Nuswantari from the Apps and Scholastica from the FSS team! They are not only providing information and education but also entertaining and encouraging medical personnel. Hopefully, this can help lighten the burden a bit and help them be strong during the tough challenges they face. Thank you to all those who have helped the training.
For those who #stayathome, keep up the good work and stay productive. Let’s look after each other and stay safe!
#idsMED #idsMEDIndonesia #WeCarewithAHeart #flattenthecurve #bersamal interviewsorona #ThankYou