
Inaugural Ceremony of LAM-KPRS

A newly established independent hospital accreditation institution, the “Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit” (LAM-KPRS), held its inauguration ceremony at the Ritz Calton Hotel, Jakarta on 20th November 2021.
Event News
23 November 2021
To meet the compelling urgency for hospital accreditation in Indonesia, an independent institution body called the “Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit” (LAM-KPRS) was established in November 2021.

Recognised as an official body by the Ministry of Health on the 12th of November under the Minister of Health Decision HK.01.07/MENKES/6604/2021, the LAM-KPRS is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the quality assurance practices and accreditation of hospital service standards.

On 20th November 2021, the LAM-KPRS held the inauguration ceremony for its newly appointed members and conducted a webinar on the “Importance of Hospital Accreditation for Improving Public Health” at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Jakarta.

At the event, dr. Andi Wahyuningsih Attas, Sp.An- KIC., MARS. was appointed Chairman of the institution, while Dr. dr. Supriyantoro, SpP, MARS, Chairman of indoHCF and KREKI, was assigned as President Commissioner.

In this proud moment, Rufinus Susanto, the Regional Managing Director and President of idsMED Indonesia, was appointed as a member on the Board of Commissioners.

Rufi expressed that although he had various other responsibilities with different administrations, he will support any positive recommendations by the LAM-KPRS in its capacity as an independent institution. His attachment to the institution is driven by his strong interest in the improvement of the quality of hospitals throughout the country. He hopes that the role of the LAM-KPRS can have a significant impact on the accreditation and quality of hospitals in Indonesia.

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