With the spirit of “We care with a HEART because your life matters”, Mr. Ben Chang – CEO and Founding Partner of the idsMED Group – presented each frontliner with a special gift box of RespoKare Anti-Viral Mask produced by Innonix and distributed by idsMED. This kind gesture is meant to protect our frontliners from infectious viruses and germs as they frequently visit hospitals and health facilities.

On 7 April, idsMED Vietnam organised the event for Mr. Hiep Nguyen – Managing Director (South) and Ms. Thuy Nguyen (Cherrie) – FSS Head (North) to deliver the RespoKare Mask gift boxes to all frontline members. At this event, the InnoQ VN Team also made a presentation of the “
RespoKare Anti-Viral Mask". The purpose was to provide product information to all members and, at the same time, show how the product’s benefits can be presented to the customers, including some tips on proper mask usage. This event was held simultaneously offline in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and online for all FSS, MSC and BMS members across the country.

The introduction attracted the attention and interest of all participants. They were proud to know that the RespoKare Anti-Viral Mask distributed by idsMED is the first and only mask in the world that can destroy 99.99% of human coronaviruses within minutes of exposure to the mask as certified by the FDA. Also, they were very excited about the
"Employee Program of Discounted Mask”.“The gift of RespoKare Mask is beneficial and meaningful." That was the remark of Dat Vu (FSS, idsMED Vietnam) when he talked about the special gift from Ben Chang - CEO, Founding Partner of idsMED. Like the other frontliners at idsMED Vietnam, Dat was glad to receive RespoKare Anti-Viral Mask’s gift box.
"Though the Covid-19 pandemic is well-controlled in Vietnam, there is still a high risk of infection, especially in hospitals and health facilities where we work daily. The gift really touches my heart as it is, among lots of others, an indication of our Brand promise – We care with a HEART because your life matters.”
Hopefully, with the knowledge gained from The RespoKare Anti-Viral Mask introductory talk, and along with compliance with the 5K recommendations, our frontliners will remain safe when deployed to health facilities. Besides, they can confidently introduce the RespoKare Mask, one of the best masks ever against viruses and bacteria with FDA clearance.