
Tim Manajemen

idsMED Group adalah salah satu penyedia solusi terintegrasi terbesar untuk peralatan medis, perlengkapan dan layanan di Asia. idsMED Group memiliki jaringan distribusi yang luas yang mencakup berbagai institusi kesehatan termasuk rumah sakit pemerintah dan swasta, pusat bedah harian, klinik spesialis dan perawatan primer, laboratorium dan panti jompo.
Photo of Ben Chang, Group CEO & Founding Partner, IdsMED Corporate
Ben Chang
Group CEO & Founding Partner
Mr. Ben Chang is the Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & a founding partner of IDS Medical Systems Group (idsMED), the healthcare arm of the Fung Group. Mr. Chang is also an Executive Director of Fung Holdings (1937) Limited and a Director of the public-listed Convenience Retail Asia Limited, both members of the Fung Group.

Prior to his tenure with the Fung Group, Mr. Chang was a Senior Vice-President and a partner of the Havi Group LP. Mr. Chang spent 13 years with Havi and was responsible for expanding Havi’s Asian businesses which provided end-to-end Supply Chain Services to McDonald’s Asia Pacific. Mr. Chang also founded and successfully grew Domino’s Pizza Malaysia between 1997 and 2007.