idsMED Malaysia, in collaboration with Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre, Klang organised the ‘Longest Non-Stop Backwards Walk on Treadmill’ event. We are proud to announce that Mr. Siva Rajan Ettiappan, a 33-year-old resident physiotherapist of Sri Kota, successfully completed this challenge.
Mr. Siva Rajan emerged as the new record holder by accomplishing this most challenging task, which he started at 8:00am on 16th September 2021 and completed at 9:45am on 17th September 2021. He surpassed the stipulated time of 24 hours by walking backwards for 25 hours and 42 minutes. As one of the main sponsors of this event, idsMED’s Enraf Nonius En-Motion medical rehab treadmill was used for this challenge.
The campaign, in conjunction with Hari Malaysia on 16 September 2021, was broadcasted live via Sri Kota Medical Centre, Klang’s Facebook page. This event was made possible with the support of The Malaysia Book of Records, Asia Book of Records, Astro & Bernama.
Congratulations, Mr. Siva Rajan!
#GoGoSiva24 Live Video Source: