Workshop: Ultrasound techniques and pathology...
30 July 2020
Workshop: Ultrasound techniques and pathology of chest, ear, nose, throat diseases, and ovarian cysts in pediatrics
On 25/7, the workshop "Ultrasound techniques and pathology of chest, ear, nose, throat diseases, and ovarian cysts in pe...
Event News
10 July 2020
บทสัมภาษณ์ คุณไพฑูรย์ ภูรีทิพย์ กรรมการผู้...
Event News
Annual Country Meeting (ACM) South 2020
24 June 2020
Annual Country Meeting (ACM) South 2020
After the period of Covid-19’s impacts and social distance, with lots of attempts, on Friday, June 19, 2020, idsMED Vi...
Event News
Image Fusion & Navigation Technique Of Ultras...
22 June 2020
Image Fusion & Navigation Technique Of Ultrasound System Has Been Applied at Viet Duc Hospital For The First Time
idsMED Vietnam have put the latest EPIQ Elite ultrasound system manufactured by Philips for demo at Viet Duc Hospital to...
Event News
MD’s Townhall
19 June 2020
MD’s Townhall
Although many of us are still working-from-home amidst the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the working spirit at idsMED Mala...
Event News
Welcoming the New Normal a la the Clinical Ap...
12 June 2020
Welcoming the New Normal a la the Clinical Application Specialists idsMED Indonesia
Ready or not, the New Normal is coming! And, we obviously choose to be ready! How are we going to continue life as we kn...
Event News